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Adventure Movies With Trailers on TrailerHound
47 Ronin
Act of Valor
After Earth
Big Miracle
Escape From Planet Earth
G.I. Joe: Retaliation
Ice Age: Continental Drif...
Iron Man 3
Jack the Giant Killer
John Carter
Journey 2: The Mysterious...
Madagascar 3: Europes Mos...
Man of Steel
Mirror Mirror
Mission: Impossible- Ghos...
Monsters University
On the Road
Pacific Rim
Red Tails
Rise of the Guardians
Snow White and the Huntsm...
Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Wars Episode I: 3D
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Avengers
The Babymakers
The Bourne Legacy
The Croods
The Expendables 2
The Hobbit: An Unexpected...
The Lone Ranger
The Mortal Instruments: C...
The Pirates! Band of Misf...
The Wolverine
Titanic 3D